Submission Guidelines



Welcome to ABWHE’s blog! This will be a place to post our creative content, musings, and works. It will also be a space for candid expression and, at times, difficult discourse. You may submit to the blog, but please be aware of the following guidelines:

  1. All blog posts will be reviewed for content relevancy and you will be notified if your submission is accepted. Content should advance our mission. We do not want to post anything that can be considered libelous or slanderous.
  2. Always cite content that is not your original thought. We are an educational organization and must always follow rules for citation.
  3. Expected length is maximum approx. 500 words.
  4. You may re-post/cross-post your submission to your own sites only after it has been posted to our blog for one month.
  5. You may include a maximum of two links for service or educational promotion.

If you would like to submit to our blog please send an email with your name (specify if you would like to post anonymously), your affiliation with ABWHE, and your proposed submission (in an attached document) to:


We value academic freedom and open expression. The views and opinions expressed in our blog posts are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of the Association of Black Women in Higher Education, Inc.